Posts written by GugolMen

view post Posted: 7/8/2009, 17:58 Ballo in Chiesa - The Best Wedding Entrance Dance Ever - FILMATI & FOTO PARTICOLARI

The Best Wedding Entrance Dance Ever - Chris Brown - Forever

The wedding of Jill Peterson and Kevin Heinz starts with a quality entrance dance to Chris Brown's Forever...yeah, forever. It took place at a Church in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

All we can say is fantastic guys well done. Have a long and happy marriage ....forever

From everyone at The Hacienda Cala D'Or Mallorca

view post Posted: 7/8/2009, 16:14 Speciale: Dissing & Bif - 🎬 MUSIC VIDEOS



Eminem non deve aver apprezzato molto “Obsessed”, l’ultima canzone di Mariah Carey. Nel video la cantante veste i panni di un rapper molto simile ad Em (come nell'immagine) e, seppure in maniera scherzosa, lo accusa di essere “ossessionato” da lei. La risposta del rapper di Detroit è "The Warning" (è il filmato youtube nel post), una canzone che spara a zero su Mariah Carey e il marito Nick Cannon. Ecco alcuni degli estratti più interessanti:
“Stronza, chiudi quella cazzo di bocca altrimenti pubblico tutte quelle telefonate che hai fatto a casa mia quando eri fuori di testa prima di Nick.”
“Prova a sbugiardarmi e pubblicherò tutte le cose che ho, inclusi i messaggi che hai lasciato sulla mia segreteria.”
“Nick, pensi che ho paura di te, finocchio? Se vuoi rovinarmi la carriera prima faresti meglio ad averne una.”

Il testo è bello lungo ed è così pesante che alcune cose è meglio non tradurle. In pratica Eminem definisce Mariah pazza, alcolizzata, di facili costumi e afferma di aver fatto sesso con lei almeno una volta.
Tra i 2 pezzi, per come suona, preferisco quello di Mariah con Gucci Mane.

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How Eminem bagged Mariah Carey

Friday Jul 31 10:35 AM CDT posted by Byron Crawford

It didn’t occur to me, until I heard “Warning,” that Eminem probably took advantage of Mariah Carey. I don’t mean to suggest that he did anything you can go to jail for, but he probably got with her at a time when she was kinda batshit and didn’t realize what she was doing.

You guys know I’m always interested in finding ways that a woman can be broken down psychology, so I can make sweet, passionate love to her, and how to identify women who have been pre-weakened, for my viewing pleasure. It’s one of those things you have to focus on when you don’t have a whole lot to offer a woman otherwise.

There was a time, seven or eight years ago, when probably any ol’ douche could have taken advantage of Mariah Carey. She had gone completely out of her mind. I saw the whole thing unfold in more or less real time, because I didn’t have anything else better to do than watch a shedload of MTV. If I had the eye of the proverbial tiger, maybe I would have flown to New York and put my bid in.

Who else remembers that special Mariah Carey episode of Cribs? Don’t lie. In the time before a lot of people were using DVRs, I’m sure at least a few of you pervs called off from work that evening and rubbed one out to it. She was walking around in lingerie the entire time, and her cans never looked bigger. There was a part where it looked like it was about to get really hot, and then it just got kinda weird. She ran some water in this hot tub, and it looked like she was about to strip down and hop in, like many a woman has in my dreams, but then she dropped her cat in there. I was like, “Holy shit, she’s about to drown that cat!” I’m surprised they even showed that shit on MTV. There must not be a lot of straight guys who work for PETA.

I could be getting the time line all fucked the fuck up. This was a long time ago, and I’ve had my share of the Great American Lager since then. But it seemed like the next was that day she was handing out ice cream, again undressed to the point where you couldn’t help but get the poison out. It was obvious MTV had no idea what she was doing, or what she might do. She looked like she may have been high as shit, but I’ve been around a number of women with drug problems (again, a brother’s gotta do what a brother’s gotta do), and none of them stripped down to their underwear and fed me ice cream. If so, I’d be down in the ghetto right now trying to buy some drug, for some of the young ladies I work with.

It turns out she was probably just distraught over the fact that her movie Glitter failed miserably at the box office, and her cat did end up drowning. I remember hearing that shit on the radio, on one of these morning zoo programs, and thinking to myself, “Oh shit, she really did end up drowning that cat!” They were reading from a message she posted on her website announcing that she was going to rehab, or taking some time off anyway. Of course she tried to make it sound as if the cat somehow accidentally drowned. I’m surprised no one else put one and two together. This was a while still before I started blogging, or I would have had to put that story out there.

That must have been when Eminem stepped in. A strategic player such as myself would have shown up with a new cat. But Eminem’s famous. Probably all he had to do was show up and fuck. What’s fascinating to me is not so much the fact that Eminem hit it - I’m sure any number of people had that in between him and Nick Cannon - but the fact that he’s obviously obsessed with her. You know he’s got a thing for crazy white chicks who think they’re black. Lil Showstoppa might need to holler, once she reaches the age of majority. Otherwise, why even bother making an entire song about it, several years after the fact? I could see wanting the world to know you knocked down a famous woman, but Eminem is taking this way further than bragging about his accomplishment.

And we should be glad that he is. Em claims to be pissed that Mariah and Nick Cannon are talking shit about him, and that he might have to release some damning evidence if they don’t stop, but something tells me not gonna be completely satisfied until he gets another shot with Mariah. Let’s we forget, he made all of those songs about killing his baby’s mother, and she actually got back with him. A pattern of that kind of behavior has been established in Eminem’s mind. This is almost certainly not the last we’ve heard of his “beef” with Mariah Carey.



view post Posted: 7/8/2009, 16:08 DE GHEIM - GOSSIP NEWS



Che The Game cerchi attenzione in questo momento dissando continuamente Jay Z e sperando in sua risposta, è una cosa ormai assodata. Ma con la grafica di questa nuova maglia è arrivato al capolinea. Il diss si basa su un gioco di parole: il titolo del primo singolo di Jay Z si chiama DOA (Death Of Autotune) e Game sulla t-shirt scrive DOH (Death Of Hova). Hova è uno dei vari appellativi di Jay. Non posso credere che la metta in vendita seriamente :D

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view post Posted: 7/8/2009, 16:04 FIGLI & FAMIGLIE dei Reppers - FILMATI & FOTO PARTICOLARI


Nuove accoppiate di VIP oggi! 3 genitori con i propri figli questa volta. Nella prima foto: Carmelo Anthony (giocatore NBA) ed il figlio Kiyan. Nella seconda: Ludacris e la figlia Karma. Infine: Halle Berry e la figlia Nahla.

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view post Posted: 7/8/2009, 16:02 WiiSpray in arrivo - 🖌 WRITING GRAFFITI & AEROSOL-ART



Per i writers di nuova generazione è in arrivo per voi WiiSpray. Ci sono stati altri videogiochi che imitavano l'arte di fare graffiti, come ad esempio "Jet Grind Radio," e "Marc Ecko's Getting Up", ma nessuno mai come questo. Degli studenti tedeschi, Martin Lihs e Frank Matus hanno sviluppato un prototipo di comando Wii fatto a forma di bomboletta spray. Ne è risultato un sistema Wii chiamato "Wiispray" che ha recentemente vinto il premio al Germany's International Forum Design per la sua interfaccia. Speriamo che i produttori di videogiochi si mettano subito a lavorare per permetterci quanto prima di spolverare il nostro Wii. Per maggiori info clicca qui.

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view post Posted: 7/8/2009, 15:59 Hao: il led spray paint - 🖌 WRITING GRAFFITI & AEROSOL-ART



Hao è la bomboletta che spruzza luce LED e non vernice.
E' un'idea della francese Aissa Logerot.
I colori LED sono intercambiabili.
Così potete fare pratica prima di usare uno spray vero!

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view post Posted: 3/8/2009, 20:43 Consigli per fare l' EmSì - 🎤 MCING
Regola n#2
Non cadere mentre ti stai esibendo e non fare altre figure d*mmmerda :lol:

view post Posted: 31/7/2009, 16:58 Speciale: In Studio & Backstage Video - 🎬 MUSIC VIDEOS
David Guetta ft Kelly Rowland - When Love Takes Over Teaser
view post Posted: 27/7/2009, 19:57 Beatmaking with live instruments - 🎚 TURNTABLISM & BEATMAKING
Beatmaking with live instruments

In this video I show you how I make a track using a sample and some live instruments (drum and electric bass).
Hope you enjoy and comment.

view post Posted: 27/7/2009, 19:50 Street Hero Bus jump headcam view - FILMATI & FOTO PARTICOLARI
Street Hero Bus jump headcam view

Street Hero Amazing bus jump

Street hero bus jumping videos - side by side. Proof filmed twice.
view post Posted: 25/7/2009, 08:40 Garfield on bags - MODA, MOTORI & RAGAZZE
view post Posted: 24/7/2009, 15:00 Nas & Kelis - FILMATI & FOTO PARTICOLARI



Dopo il matrimonio più kitsch dell'anno, Nas e Kelis hanno divorziato. Il giudice di corte ha deciso che il rapper deve dare 55 mila dollari al mese alla ex moglie. Inoltre 2 giorni fa Nas ha voluto raggiungere Kelis per assistere al parto del suo primogenito. Il bambino è nato e sta bene: peccato soltanto che il papà non era presente. Lo staff dell’ospedale newyorchese ha infatti proibito a Nas di entrare in sala parto. Il motivo? Era completamente ubriaco. Ad ammetterlo è stato proprio lui durante il concerto tenutosi in un club di New York poche ore prima della venuta al mondo di suo figlio. Tutta colpa dello champagne in onore del piccolo Knight (questo il nome scelto per il pupo). Auguri!
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view post Posted: 21/7/2009, 18:05 SNUP DOG - GOSSIP NEWS


Click on the link to get the iFizzle app -
Today Cashmere Agency - the premier lifestyle online marketing firm - announced the launch of their newest foray into the digital mobile space, Cashmere Mobile. The announcement of Cashmere Interactive comes on the heels of their creation and today's launch of the highly anticipated Snoop Dogg iFizzle iPhone Soundboard application, the first in a suite of upcoming iPhone applications featuring Snoop Dogg.
As previewed on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien this past week, the application boasts 16 of Snoop Dogg's most popular and iconic phrases and quotes - including "Fo Shizzle My Nizzle" and "I Got My Mind on My Money and My Money On My Mind" - letting users pocket Snoop and his brand everywhere they go.
Personally recorded by Snoop Dogg, with artwork by the famed Joe Cool - the artist behind the legendary cover art of Snoop's classic 1993 debut Doggystyle - makes this application an instant mobile must have and allows fans a daily interactive relationship with Snoop, his diverse brand, and his music.

view post Posted: 19/7/2009, 15:59 Garfield on bags - MODA, MOTORI & RAGAZZE
Garfield on bags



Chevy Rydin High

naoufel soussi 2 wheeling on 22s


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